Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Talking Tuesday

I am so appalled at some people's lack of parenting skills. I know that I may not have very much room to talk as I'm not a parent myself, so I don't have any parenting skills at all at this point. But I do like to think that when I do decide to reproduce that I will use good parenting skills to not create little brats.

Over Thanksgiving I encountered a family that definitely had a child that I would consider to be incredibly bratty. Surprisingly her parents were on her case a lot, but not about the things that I thought were actually bratty and definitely if it were my kid would have been stopped. They were on her case about things like not eating before dinner (even though there was a snack table), about not eating too much turkey, and about not sitting on her dad's lap. What didn't they stop? They didn't stop this little brat from giving an answer of "don't know, don't care" to almost any question directed at her. I don't know in what world it is appropriate or cute for a 4-year-old to give that as a response to an adult and to have her parents hear this answer AND ignore it.

I'm not the kind of person who believes children should be seen or not heard. I love kids, I love to play, but at the same time I think there's certain things that are acceptable for little kids to say and do and certain things that are not.

For instance, when I was growing up I wasn't allowed to run around restaurants like a hellion. There's times and places for things.

If you want to make a good impression of what kind of parent you are, maybe you should make sure your little brat isn't being incredibly impolite. Anyone who says "don't know, don't care" is being rude. Maybe you should keep your child from being rude.

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